

July 10, 2024

The transition to a climate-neutral economy is a transformation of the same magnitude that the world experienced during the industrial and digital revolutions. Along with a series of uncertainties and challenges, there are already many opportunities for the development of new businesses, increasing competitiveness and economic growth, not only at the business level, but also at the national level.

While the governments of other countries have been working purposefully for several years on new business directions, changing infrastructure and systems, competing for the development of regional solutions in their countries, Latvia has set climate goals within the framework of the EU Green Deal, but the efforts to achieve them are very sluggish. We have many strong companies, bright minds and responsible people. But why do we stop ourselves in fear of the unknown in front of such a huge opportunity? Why do we focus on the risks instead of the opportunities? Are we ready to reconcile lagging behind the efforts and achievements of other countries in the Baltic Sea region, trusting that we will be fine without investing our efforts?

Experts from various fields discussed how to turn green whining into green winning. They searched for solutions for the development of new business directions, using the opportunities of the green economy, and ensure Latvia’s competitiveness through sustainable management. Let’s be inspired by good examples of what can be done.