Awards and recognition

We are proud of state and regional level awards and recognition.

  • SCHWENK Latvija infrastructure projects - cement silo and mill - awarded with the Grand Prix in the "Latvian Construction Award 2022" competition
  • "Employer of Honour 2023" award of the Society Integration Foundation
  • Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Institute Award "Innovation Leader 2023"
  • Diamond category in the Latvian Sustainability Index
  • Best Practice in Occupational Health and Safety Award "Golden Helmet"
  • Business Efficiency Association Efficiency Award "Driving Organisation 2023"
  • Silver status and special recognition from the Society Integration Foundation for Employer Open to Diversity 2023
  • Gold Award of the "Safest Fleet of the Company 2023" competition
  • "Best Sustainability Report in the Baltics" by the audit and consulting services company Deloitte