The transformation of industry is one of the big challenges on the way to climate neutrality, and CO2 storage is one of the building blocks required to reach it while simultaneously ensuring the viability and competitiveness of European industrial sites. A key element therein is the establishment of cost-efficient European CO2 infrastructure. For this to happen, corresponding framework regulations must be implemented in the respective EU member countries. The white paper focuses on Germany as a European industry hub and a potential transit country for CO2 from several source-countries.
The white paper Impulspapier zur deutschen Carbon Management Strategie_PCI EU2NSEA, available in German, has been prepared by the Germany-based and affiliate partners of the European CO2 infrastructure project EU2NSEA; this is a trans-European development including 10 countries and more than 30 companies. More than 30 million tons of CO2 annually could be stored in the last stage of the project in two offshore sites in Norway and hence be prevented from being emitted into the atmosphere. The project has recently been confirmed as a Project of Common Interest (PCI) by the European Commission; the project companies active in Germany (Equinor, Heidelberg Materials, Lhoist, Onyx Power, OGE, Schwenk Building Materials Group, Uniper, VNG, Wintershall Dea) describe the factors for the success of the federal government’s carbon management strategy in this white paper.
SCHWENK Building Materials Group is among the affiliate partners supporting the EU2NSEA Project of Common Interest already PCI status in its application phase and is actively discussing the respective required developments in Latvia.