Packed Cement

High quality packed cement available in the building materials stores all around Latvia. Cement can be used in the production of various ready-mix types. Available in bags of 25 kg and 35 kg.

Depending on the type of cement, can be used in various objects and constructions both with high initial strength during first days of curing and mortar mixtures and ready-mix constructions. Suitable for manufacturing of paving units, ready-mix constructions, building staircases, frameworks of wells, making of architectonical elements from ready-mix, concreting of bearing structures, making of pedestrian roads etc. More information on application is available at the section of each cement type.

Packed cement types

25 KG and 35 KG


Portland limestone cement CEM II/A-LL 42.5 R, which composition includes Portland cement clinker, gypsum or anhydrite and additives.Total amount of additives – 6 – 20%, complying with EN197-1 standard.

This cement cures rapidly with high initial strength – at least 20 MPa after curing for two days in standard conditions. Strength of the sample after 28-day curing in standard conditions – at least 42.5 MPa.

This cement type is mostly used in the manufacturing of ready-mix elements, in construction, making of staircases, frameworks of wells, ready-mix architectonic elements, concerting of bearing structures, making of pedestrian roads and other types of projects.

Cement contains hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) ions reducing matter with functions gradually declining after 4 months.

Cement Sales contacts

Head of Cement Sales and Industrial Materials

Ilonija Audere
Mob. phone: + 371 29498787

Cement Sales Representative

Elmārs Olšteins
Mob. phone: + 371 27057472

SCHWENK Eesti OÜ Managing director

Sergejs Mironovs
Mob. phone: + 372 5209575