Educational institutions of Saldus Region may receive support for innovations in amount of EUR 15 000

Gradually finishing the project of innovative and future oriented technologies in Brocēni cement plant, SCHWENK Latvija in close cooperation with project partners Christian Pfeiffer Maschinenfabrik GmbH and IBAU HAMBURG has created a special grant program for educational institution in Saldus region in amount of 15 000 euros in order to foster development of local community in the future.

Grant program holders hope to provide one or more schools a support to build their capacity and take a step towards new innovations in the learning process.

“For SCHWENK Latvija it is important to be a part of the local community and promote its growth by supporting and creating various initiatives. This year together with our partners, we are pleased to implement a new program. We are convinced that understanding the subjects of STEM is important not only for our present, but also for the future, in which sustainability and sustainable solutions will play an increasingly important role,” was highlighted by SCHWENK Latvija CEO Reinhold Schneider.

Educational institutions of Saldus region that ensures primary, secondary or professional education are invited to apply for SCHWENK Latvija, Christian Pfeiffer Maschinenfabrik GmbH and IBAU HAMBURG school grant program and receive funding in order to strengthen their capacity in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) subjects, foster interest, understanding and knowledge about science at any age, provide new technologies, tools and methods for learning.

There are no limits for ideas that might be submitted to give opportunities to schools to implement projects that are most important for them. It is possible to apply to get funding e.g. for equipment, research project or even event that fully complies with the aims of the project.

“The development of technical projects of young, technically interested people is important for Christian Pfeiffer. As a mechanical engineering company focused on grinding and separation technologies, we are very active in the cement industry. By promoting projects in the STEM fields, we want to continue our social responsibility and inspire young talents to join our industry. Together with SCHWENK Latvija and IBAU Hamburg, we look forward to the presentations of your projects. We wish good luck to all the applicants!” on behalf of the Management of Christian Pfeiffer was told by its representatives Dietmar Freyhammer and Martin Paterson.

“Today’s youth is our future – for IBAU HAMBURG it is a mission to promote new ideas as it is important for us that young people think outside the box. These young talents are the future of all of us and should be supported. This program gives students an insight into our work and hopefully inspires them to become a part our industry’s future,” was said by Holger Hutt, Managing Director, and Carsten Niedworok, Senior Sales Manager of IBAU Hamburg.

Project applicants can apply by filling in application form, shortly describing idea of the project, main activities, detailed budget as well the expected outcomes of the project. Project application form must be submitted by February 10, 2022. There is no limit for minimum costs of projects, but the maximum costs per one project may not exceed 15 000 euros. It is very important that this grant program does not require a co-funding.

As grant program committee is represented equally by all international partners who will participate in presentations and evaluation process of projects, a project proposal should be written in English. Project applicants will be invited to online presentation to present the idea to the grant program evaluation committee on February 23, 2022. Presentation should be prepared and presented in English. We do encourage schools to use their internal resources and language specialists to prepare the project.

Grant program regulation Grant_program_regulation_2022

Project application form Annex_1_grant_program_application_template_2022

Financial and content report form Annex_2_project_content_financial_report_2022

Representatives of educational institutions may ask and receive consultations about preparation of the project in Latvian by contacting: or phone +371 24242135.